Auditions - HeadShot Required

For Castings: HeadShot & CV Required
Your headshot should show casting directors both the intangibles and tangibles of you as an actor: how you look on camera, your essence, your energy and personality. Casting directors want to see who you are, what you bring to the table, and why you’re worth bringing in for an audition.
The Agency is busy. We already have a number of projects completed and also have more lined up!
Brendan Harrington back Summer term 2018:
Thursday 24th May - Blackrock
Saturday 26th May - Blackrock
Sunday 27th May - Killiney
Saturday 2nd June - Castleknock
BOOK NOW There are very limited places.
Head shots cost €25.00
*It is possible to attend another school/day/venue for your headshot*